Housing in Groton Connecticut
The Groton Housing Market
A recent study of the housing market in Groton completed by Camoine Associates considered a number of indicators including Economic & Demographic Trends, Housing Supply Analysis, Multi and Single Family Market Trends and a Housing Demand Analysis. The study is available on website. Shown here are some of the key conclusions.
Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed (ALICE) – Measuring Poverty in Connecticut – Low and Moderate Income Housing
For those family units that are ALICE it is seen as a more accurate measure of poverty than other indicators such as the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), HUD’s Area Median Income (AMI) and Medicaid’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). ALICE focuses on the basic costs of housing, childcare, food, transportation, health care and technology for urban, suburban, and rural areas.
ALICE in Connecticut: A Financial Hardship Study, 2020 Connecticut Report, Click here.
Groton Housing Authority (GHA)
The Groton Housing Authority (GHA), established in 1957, is the statutory housing authority for the Town of Groton. The GHA maintains and manages 174 units at two low- and moderate-income Elderly/Disabled housing properties in Groton, Pequot Village and Grasso Gardens. There are 104 units at Pequot Village and 70 at Grasso Gardens. The GHA is constantly looking for housing development opportunities across a spectrum of family income levels. The GHA’s offices are located at 770 Poquonnock Road, Groton, CT.
Greater Groton Realty Corporation (GGRC)
The Greater Groton Realty Corporation (GGRC) is a 501(c)(3) organization that is affiliated with and provides development services to the GHA. As a (c)(3) non-profit it can take advantage of tax credit financing opportunities greatly expanding our financial resources available to housing development and rehabilitation. If you have an interest in supporting housing in Groton. Refer to our ‘Get Involved‘ section, below.
Pequot Village Passive House Project
The Pequot Village Passive House Project is what the future of moderate affordable income housing looks like. It was completed by the GHA in 2021 and consists of 16 apartments in two new buildings. The outstanding features include energy efficient design, the use of geothermal and solar for heating and cooling and attractive New England style architecture. The 16 new apartments are envisioned as models for the additional redevelopment of the Pequot Village property and pending the acquisition of financing. GGRC, mentioned above, was instrumental in the development of the Pequot Village Passive House Project.
Get Involved
Interested in financially supporting the GHA in future projects? Your charitable contributions to our low and moderate income developments can be fully tax deductible. Contact Executive Director Robert Cappelletti at [email protected] for more information.